On my normal morning cruise around the web, I found something that stopped me in my tracks. I came a across body shaping undergarments site, (a la Spanx) Yummy Tummie. Who wouldn't want everything quickly tightened, tucked and smoothed into place, right?
While I've never personally tried out either product, I have doubts over the pictures that accompany the products on both websites. I just can't grasp the idea that a body slimming product could make the average American woman (size 14) look like this:
right: size 14 woman
I'd love to think that if I purchased these products, I too could be long lean and appear a size 2; but I'm not. Seeing a thin woman modeling tummy sucking garments doesn't sell me. I've heard great stories from products like these; so why can't we see them in action on a curvy, average sized woman? I'm a little discouraged to see products that aim for a nonsurgical, healthy approach to enhance what you already have, use such unrealistic displays.
What do you think? When you're shopping for clothes, would you rather see a thin model or a figure closer to your size? What do you think about advertising body concious shaping undergarments with thin women?