Friday, October 26, 2007

Aspirin Dangers

Aspirins and over the counter medication offer relief to thousands of people from minor aches and pains to more serious migraines. However, it's still important to be mindful of what you're taking and how much. Pain relievers can add up to more harm than good, leaving minor side effects to more seriously harmful injuries.

Follow the directions of all packaged medications responsibly. All medications are different, stronger or weaker than others. Make sure you understand what a typical dosage is, and that you follow each accordingly. If you think your body may naturally need more than what is recommended, start off with the smallest recommended amount and gradually increase dosage after waiting for the medication to set in. As always, if you aren't sure, ask a doctor. It is very simple to overdose on simple over the counter medication because users tend to believe they are too safe.

Another serious tip is to read the ingredients carefully. Some medications, like those for colds, flu, headache and sleep aids all contain some of the same ingredients. If you think you're in the clear by doubling up on meds to cure several pains, you could put yourself at serious risk for overdose of that prevalent ingredient.

Be aware of interactions with other substances while taking aspirins. Drinking any amount of alcohol with medication is dangerous, but other beverages may be dangerous to take during the time of aspirin use as well. Drinking milk or grapefruit juice directly before or after taking medications may affect the way your body handles the medication. Taking different medications daily like steroids, hormones, heart or pain medications may effect the way your body reacts with simple aspirins as well.

The best rule of thumb to follow to always insure your safety is to ask a doctor if you're unsure if you are at risk or taking medications incorrectly.