Monday, March 31, 2008

My experience visiting the ultra-gym

I spent this past weekend with my family in Chicago. My parents, brother and I were out visiting my sister and her fiancé for an extended weekend. Before our trip downtown, we me and my dad made the best of said fiancé’s guest passes at his local gym.

Now keep in mind, my gym experience ranges from the modest YMCA at home, and free access to the gym on campus when I’m at school. Needless to say, this super gym, which I’ll leave unnamed, blew anything I knew before out of the water.

The ultra-gym had about anything you could ever imagine. Even showing up on Good Friday, the place was pretty well stocked with all sorts of Chicagians. Still, I was pretty impressed to see the most cardio machines lined up like little soldiers I had ever seen in a workout facility.

However, I had a hard time getting my typical workout in. My dad put it best, when he said- “going to a new gym, you spend more time looking around for your favorite machines than actually using them”. I couldn’t agree more.

I think in general, I would have a difficult time belonging to an ultra-gym anyway. There’s something disheartening about no machine standing out from another, be it better lighting, or closer to a fan. I also find a sense of comfort in a smaller setting, with a bit better organization than simply a huge warehouse feeling.

What is your gym of choice like? Do you rely on regular favorites and more of a connection with your facility? Does a larger gym suite you better?