Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Men fight food cravings better than women

Surprise surprise! Monday, science confirmed what women have known for years; men's brains fight food urges better.

Twenty-three participants picked their favorite food and were tempted with smell, sight and eventually taste. The study found that brain waves in the male participants was less active than in women.

Suggestions? Food scientist Marci Pelchat said "If women have difficulty ignoring food cues, maybe a key to dieting for them is to minimize those cues or to minimize the association between those cues and eating. Don't leave food out on the counter, don't go by the Dunkin' Donuts."

Taking a different route home to avoid all your favorite fast food stops may be difficult (or impossible) but there are some steps you can take to take to combat the genetic sabotage. Plan meals ahead of time, shop smart and exercise often!

What foods can you not resist?