Tuesday, November 13, 2007

5 steps to a healthy heart

Last Friday I posted a great 5 step article from iVillage about fighting osteoporosis. This week, there's a new 5 tip out for taking care of your heart. While living by moderation (food, smoking, drinking) are all the obvious ways to keep your healthy, there are several other quick tips to giving back to this important organ.

Get tested-
Knowing where you stand is the first step to becoming healthier. A doctors visit would be the best, but some local stores like Wallgreens and K-Mart have a machine that will administer heart healthy testing for you in a few minutes. Of course these are not as accurate as a doctor visit, but checking in the pharmacy section of your local drug store and taking some time out to get tested here is a great way to know where you stand.

Cut the salt-
A salt reduced diet is one of the best ways to treat your heart. Most of us forget, however, that without adding salt we can still be at risk because of the additives in store bought products. The iVillage article gives some great alternatives. First, cook with your own fresh ingredients instead of relying on store bought sauces and products. Tomato sauces can be made very simply on your own and can cut back on salt intake dramatically. Also think about your intake of condiments and diet sodas. Both contain high quantities of salt and can be easily substituted or used in extreme moderation.

Be mindful of your fats-
Not all fats are bad, some have heart helping qualities. Cut all trans-fats (aka hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oils) and stick to fats that help instead of harm.

* Opt for vegetable fats over animal fats.
* Choose leaner protein sources like fish over red meat.
* Enjoy foods like walnuts and salmon for your crucial
Omega-3s — a subset of "good" fat that fights coronary disease and lowers blood pressure.
* And remember to get your anti-oxidants, which enhance blood-vessel flexibility. They're found in the pigments of fruits and veggies. Think peppers, bok choy and blueberries.

(iVillage tips)

Sometimes we forget how harmful feeling stressed can be. It's OK and normal to be busy, but make sure you have a few minutes to yourself to relax, even if it's just before bed.

Nothing helps the heart than regular exercise. Anything from dancing to heading to the gym every day is a great help wellness in general.