Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Healthy at any age

A Sizable Apple readers are of all different ages, and I recently found a great article to celebrate my range of readers. “Good health at any age”, an article from Weight had a great summary of what to keep up with for women and men at each stage in their life. Here are some highlights from the article (full text can be found here).

All the time:

  1. Fuel your body with a wide range of foods, focusing on fruits and veggies.
  2. Buy whole grains over processed, and steer clear of foods with added sugars.
  3. Pick fish and lean meats over high-fat alternatives
  4. Clock in your 30 minutes or more of moderate activity 4-5 times a week.

In your 30’s:

Weight tends to creep up as women start to settle down. Look for alternatives for more exercise, take the stairs, walk whenever you can, ect. Up your folate intake if you’re looking to conceive. Keep up with your calcium to protect your bones!

In your 40’s:

Metabolism starts to slow, so cut back your calorie intake or increase your fitness routines. The weight watchers article suggests starting weight training to increase endurance as well, twice a week. Women in their 40’s should also be getting annual mammograms, clinical breast exams and doing a self breast exam monthly.

In your 50’s:

Risks for heart disease, diabetes and many cancers can be fought off with a solid health and fitness routine. Talk to your doctor about scheduling screenings for colon and breast cancers and osteoporosis. Keep up with your blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well. Menopause can cause women to gain about 5-7 pounds.

For more information on age related check-ups, contact your doctor.

Check my earlier entry here on how to win a free bike!
Contest open from now until June 5.