I recently got the chance to speak with a local doctor about skin care and sun protection for this summer. While some of her responses were the tried and true things we know about sun protection but don't always practice, a few things she said were new news to me!
First off, you're putting on a much lower SPF than your bottle brags. The dermatologist I spoke to said even though you're lathering up with SPF 30, if you're not putting on enough, you're protection is actually much less.
Even more shocking was the amount of lotion she recommended using. The amount of lotion in a full shot glass will suffice for covering a full body, and that amount should be re-applied every few hours. (I'm not sure what seems stranger, slathering on that much lotion or the idea of someone measuring out their coverage in a shot glass at the beach!)
How do you stay protected from the sun? What are your sun screen tips?