ASA readers-
Please bare with me while get through a hectic July! I will be back to regular posting in August, for ASA's first birthday! Until then, check regularly for some of my favorite links and stories.
Major injuries for young athletes. What do you think about this CNN article? In my own experience with youth sports, I never fell victim to any serious injuries; given most swimming injuries occur from overuse and improper technique. I was lucky enough to have great coaches early on. I did have a mild shoulder injury in college, but I've chalked that up to a misunderstanding between myself, my body and my coaches.
Been keeping up with Olympic business? If you've been tuning in at all, you've probably heard about over 40 all-star Dara Torres. Check out this Women's Health Magazine article with her. Anything and everything you had no idea about; her battle with bulimia, failed marriages and her five favorite foods!