A must read CNN article- whose career is more important in your relationship, yours or your partners?
The article researched the trends of placing more importance on the male’s career, even if the female’s career was bringing in more money.
I think traditions play a nasty roll in this sticky topic. Men might be more unwilling to place the importance on a woman’s career because they may feel it jeopardizes their roll as the main provider. Sadly to many it may seem threatening in a relationship to place trust and value on the woman’s career.
The traditional approach of sending dad off to work while mom tends to the house is no longer the norm. Women are a powerful threat in the working force. Maneuvering around motherhood and childcare has changed in modern day society as well, making for full daycares and more acceptance for the stay at home dad.
I can only hope as I plan to start a career within the next few years and eventually (but not within the next few years!) a family that my husband understands my career and enjoyment I get from writing.
What goes in your family? How about your parents? Things are changing- has your value on career changed too?