Posting with an update from the One Hundred Push Up Challenge I blogged about 3 weeks ago. Good news, we're still on track! Bad news, I cannot feel my arms as I type this. We're only three weeks in but in a span of about 10 minutes we completed 99 push ups. O U C H.
If you haven't started yet, hop aboard! Along with being so busy ASA is being temporarily taking a back seat to the paying gigs, my workout time has suffered as well. If you're feeling the same towards the end of your summer, dedicate 10-15 minutes at night for push ups, sit ups, stretching or something. It will give you a reason to lace up your tennis shoes even if you're not going to town on 'em.
How is your workout routine going? When you get swamped, how do you push through? As long as you're not eating these you should be ok.