Thank goodness, it's the game we've all been waiting for! Pull your nearest 8 year old girl close, you're going to want her to hear about this. "Miss Bimbo" allows its users to create virtual bimbos and take care of them Tamagotchi style. Everything from relationships, buying a new apartment, outfitting your bimbo and even taking her under the virtual knife for implants is included.
The game is attracting very young users and raising lots of eyebrows. Check out the ABC News article about it. Creators say they didn't think about the body issue ramifications the game may have on young girls and health experts and chompin' at the bits over it. In reality, there's little to no way to age protect internet content. Miss Bimbo is definitely not appropriate for the age group it's most popular with; then again, who is it appropriate for? At 21, I could imagine the effects of moving your bimbo up the social ladder with plastic surgery and top line apartments could subconsciously be bothersome to any woman.
What do you think? Where do we draw the line between innocent games and over the time body image spoilers?