Tuesday, August 12, 2008

LA to jump on board with calorie tattle tail

Sounds like folks on the west coast don't want to be passed up by skinny competition in the Big Apple.

In late July, I posted on the
new law in New York forcing restaurants to come clean about their calories. Los Angeles is considering following suit with their proposed food fine.

The topic is still generating mixed reviews;
let me down my donut in peace! although mostly from the restaurant owners themselves. Seems to me this is just the slap in the belly our fast pace society needs to get on board with healthy living.

As a college student, aka master-snacker, I can relate. Nothing erks me more than realizing I'm stuck on campus all day without a meal card. When you're hungry and on the go, you're at the mercy of whatever fast food chain or convenience store meets your grumbling stomach quicker.

If you're looking to keep in shape, you can forget about these options, as even the healthiest usually packs a mean gut growing punch.
New York has the right idea forcing these shops to own up to the damage they're doing to our bodies. Once LA follows suit, we can only hope the same law finds its way to our own backyard breakfast bakeries.

Just as a note, love the last quote on the article I linked to above. California Restaurant Association spokes person Daniel Conway says to solve the problem, we need to teach people about basic nutrition. Kudos sir, and I agree until you hide 200 extra calories in a blueberry muffin which looks damn good next to the double chocolate chip scone. He finishes off by adding-

"We recognize our customers do want this information, but most of the customers don't want this information forced on them every time."
Mr. Conway has obviously never met a 30 year old woman still trying to loose an extra 5 pounds in the week before her wedding.