Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Mental Mile- Burning Calories with Chores

I thought this article would be a great follow up after yesterday’s article on common tips for dealing with emotions.

The site says in a study done with hotel workers, thinking about exercising actually proved to drop blood pressure and weight. This was a result of thinking about the small physical acts while you are doing them. Common chores around the house like vacuuming, scrubbing the floor and changing sheets is still physical activity. The study connected the hotel worker’s inner thoughts of- this is good for me while accomplishing the typical daily routine with physical change.

The surgeon general recommends 30 minutes of exercise daily. Don’t feel overwhelmed by the idea of being bogged down to the treadmill. Count your common chores and think about the physical activity you use while pulling weeds, painting the house, and folding laundry.

To make the most out of your daily routine, think about adding some calisthenics to your chores. This article gives a few great tips to adding some umpf to several situations. Wash dishes while doing lunges, buy smaller laundry baskets to increase the times you climb the stairs, while waiting for dinner to simmer, do some curls with canned soup from the cabinet.

The article has a great chart that gives calorie counts to the top 10 household chores calorie burners. A 150 pound person moving furniture for 30 minutes can burn up to 225 calories. Scrubbing floors will burn 189, raking leaves 171, and even doing laundry will burn 72 calories.

What typical chores do you do daily or weekly? Have you integrated any extra health benefits into your day?