Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Pressure on Women

I couldn’t help but post on this article I read in one of my favorite blogs. The article takes a great look at the recent studies that show a happiness gap between men and women.

Even more interesting is the decrease in women’s happiness rates since the 1960’s. The author of this blog does a great job of discussing some reasoning behind the drop in cheer.

The 1960’s women’s rights movement have opened thousands of doors and opportunities. However, as females continue to climb up the business ladder, women are often left to take care of the housework, tend to children, keep up with appearance, and a slew of other expectation.

Hours in the day don’t quite expand to take care of everything that is necessary to accomplish. These socially set expectations often make women feel stressed and can lead to a lowering of self esteem when it becomes impossible to get everything done.

The article is very well written and definitely worth checking out.