Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Exercise Boosts Mental Health

Keeping up with routine workouts has been linked to help strengthen mental health. One recent article I found did a great job of breaking down how your brain is really effected by biking at the gym.

Regular workouts has have been proven to lessen anxiety and lead to generally all around happiness. The increase in flexibility and physical implications make every day tasks easier and generally more enjoyable for adults which adds to the increased level of happiness when constantly working out.

The same study found that those with an increase in daily activity scored better in cognitive testing than adults who skimp out on regular exercise. Keeping physically active has a positive effect on memory and has been proven to lengthen the time in which older adults may start to loose memory function.

Stroke & Alzheimer's
Studies show brain flow begins to slow at an older age, leaving adults more prone to stroke and Alzheimer's disease. Constant exercise keeps blood flow throughout the body and brain regular, lessening the risk for these two common health issues later in life.

Scientists have shown that exercise can increase the number of brain cells as well as increase levels of protective molecules in the brain. This means that exercise has the potential to slow neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease, or repair damaged or aged brains.