Friday, November 30, 2007

How Much To Burn?

A candy bar now and then is no problem. Many women trade off the enjoyment of a quick bar of chocolate for a longer workout. But how hard do you really need to work to burn off your not so healthy lunch?

RealAge has a great calculator to figure out what it will take to burn off whatever you munch on. From fresh fruit, to candy, breads, soups and condiments, the calculator has an extensive list so you can choose an almost perfect match.

A second drop down menu lets you pick your form of activity. The program then matches the two and figures the time it would take to burn off the food.

Working out daily for the time the program requests to burn off the food you intake in a day is not realistic and not healthy. However, it's interesting to look at the site and see just how much that Kit Kat is costing you.

Related Resources:

No matter what fitness company you go to, majority will prefer
stepper amongst the entire range of fitness equipment available.
A few may go for the trampoline too.