Saturday, November 24, 2007

Favorite Links

Nutrition Lingo Defined
In a fog when it comes to antioxidants, and free radicals? This site defines a few of the common nutritional jargons.

Diet Ditching
Keeping to a strict diet is hard, especially when trying to enjoy food with a larger group of friends or family who may not be so thrilled about skipping cheese for your shredding of pounds. It comes with an 8 week layout of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks to keep you on the right track. This link gives some great tips and recipe ideas for all around healthy dinners that everyone can leave feeling good about.

Cooking Methods for Health
Bake, broil or microwave? The way you prepare your food can drastically change its health benefits. Here's a good rundown of the top 5 ways to take care of preparing your food, along with some great recipes to practice.

Snack Successes
When the next meal is just too far away, this site gives 9 tips on healthy snacking that will keep you away from chips and cookies.

Breakfast Woes
For busy bees on the go, getting in your morning honey is easier said than done. The most valuable meal of the day often goes skipped or skimped without much attention. Here's a good look at a couple different options for breakfast that are quick and delicious. The site has a good variety and even dresses up the doughnut in a healthy way.

Know of a blog or article that should make A Sizable Apple's favorite links? Email Dana at