Monday, December 24, 2007

Cardio Craze

The best means of healthy weight loss have been proven to be a balance of healthy eating habits and regular exercise. Specifically, women should strive to meet the daily calorie intake (check out my article on the personal calorie counter), as well as the recommended daily activity (at least 30 minutes of vigorous physical activity 3-5 days of the week). For women looking to lose weight, shape up, or keep fit, continuous cardio workouts are the best route. Cardio work is beneficial for more than fitness results as well.

* It's one way to burn calories and help you lose weight
* It makes your heart strong so that it doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood
* It increases your lung capacity
* It helps reduce risks of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes
* It makes you feel good
* It helps you sleep better
* It helps reduce stress
From As for best means of cardio work, it all depends on what you're favorite is, and what activity you are able to raise your heart rate doing. Suggested routine for cardio work is a solid warm up to prepare your muscles, then picking a comfortable pace to workout at, monitoring your heart rate manually or with an electronic heart rate monitor. Some recommended cardio activity include step aerobic, running, walking, biking, swimming, elliptical and rowing. For more cardio information, check out the following About sites for some more detail- intensity, top cardio exercise, cardio for beginners.