Monday, December 3, 2007

Health Dilemmas Solved

It's a matter of life- should I have another chocolate? Work out twice today? Pizza for dinner or Chinese? As human beings, we're not perfect, and days come and go with health toss-ups and decisions.

Real Simple magazine has paired up some of the toughest food and wellness choices to find the best choice all together. Here are some of my favorites-

Post dinner restaurant woes-
Your meal is wrapping up, but your night isn't finished yet. Should you go for a second glass of wine or dessert? RS says dessert! Real Simple says women should have one serving of alcohol a day, although they do suggest to choose your post dinner treat with moderation.

Sleep in or workout-
Real Simple says although eight hours of sleep is a recommendation, daily workout beats snooze time. Even those who enjoy their beauty sleep can grow accustom to waking up early.

"Going outside to exercise in the morning light will help reset your body clock and eventually make it easier to wake up earlier," explains Shawn D. Youngstedt, Ph.D., a sleep researcher at the University of South Carolina in Columbia.
Do or don't doughnut in the morning-
If it comes down to the doughnut or skimping on breakfast in the morning, RS suggests going with the doughnut. Although the pastry isn't the best for your body, starting the morning on empty is even worse for your system.

As for Chinese or pizza, RS suggests Chinese instead. Pizza is higher in calories and fat while you may get a couple good for you veggies in your Chinese takeout.

I'd highly suggest checking out the link for some great other tips on weights vs. cardio, stretching vs. walking for warm-up, and 3 workouts a week vs. a massive weekend blow-out.

What sort of toss-ups do you face throughout the week? How do you decide?