Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Favorite Links

Key to Aerobic Success
Here is a great article on continuing with aerobic exercising. (Check out my earlier post on the differences between aerobic and anaerobic workouts.)

Eat to Beat Stress
Women's Health Magazine had a great feature on 9 foods that can help combat stress. Definitely worth the read, and great ideas for snacks to keep on hand when times get tough instead of ice cream and candy bars.

Eat This Not That

Kelly has a great review of the book over at her blog Basil and Spice. The author, a Men's Health Magazine writer has written a few books already but this one looks promising with its every day usable information.

Fact or Crap? Choosing A Personal Trainer
Here is a great feature on things to look for when looking for a personal trainer. Making sure you're getting quality information from a knowledgeable source before you take any of their guidance to hear.

Make It Your Way
Here's a great feature on recipes to make on your own that mimic the great taste of fast food places at a much healthier cost. (Check out my post on Fast Food Attacks.)

Know of a blog or article that should make A Sizable Apple's favorite links? Email Dana at asizableapple@gmail.com