Monday, June 2, 2008

Caring with food

In the process of trying new things, Mondays at A Sizable Apple will now be personal posts. I’ll share stories about my favorite activities and new recipes! Don’t forget to sign up for ASA’s free bike give away contest deadline June 5!

I’m a college student- ie: a random house guest to my family. During the school year, I stop by for random weekends, and during breaks (like now) I show up at the door again smiling here I am again!

Since leaving for school, I’ve come to recognize signs of how excited my family is to have me back. My dad’s home cooked meals- ok, I see you’re here, but that does not stop the rest of our schedules; a few new recipes from my mom to choose from- boy am I glad you’re here, no one else would eat this with me; many mass family emails weeks in advance checking menu ideas- you and you’re sister are coming in? It’s a celebration!

Apparently, my mom is very excited I’m home. She made probably the third special pasta dish this month.

Food is a great way to convey feelings. Cooking for someone is an endearing and thoughtful measure and also a great way to jump into eating healthy. I know my health fanatic mom isn’t going to share a double fried greasy meal with me. Eating with her makes me feel good, because I know she’s taking care of me with healthy meals- who can think of a better welcome home present than that?