Thursday, August 23, 2007

Potassium For Cramping

Muscle cramping can be extremely painful and come on without warning. I’ve fallen victim to leg cramping when I use to swim, and when talking to my dad last, he told me about cramping so badly that it woke him up yelling with pain in the middle of the night. If you’ve experienced any sort of lengthy cramping during or after workouts, you’re probably in a situation much like me and my dad- lacking potassium.

Potassium is a mineral that helps with muscle contractions and maintaining electrolyte balance in cells. But for those who are already taking a multi-vitamin, (and especially if you dislike bananas like me and my dad) you should educate yourself on other ways to up your potassium intake.

A variety of foods contain potassium, and for those cramping up, it’s just a matter of finding ones you like and knowing which form is the best to consume it in. Broccoli, orange juice, potatoes, bananas, avocados and pomegranates all provide excellent sources of potassium. Other vegetables and meats provide a balanced amount as well. To obtain the maximum amount of potassium in these foods, steer away from cooking them, or cook them in a small amount of water for a short period of time.

Staying well hydrated and stretching regularly also helps control muscle cramping. During workouts, drink even when not thirsty (as that is a sign you are already dehydrated). Also, consider stretching when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night regardless of physical activity during the day. This can help loosen your muscles if you are prone to moving around often in the night.