Saturday, August 25, 2007

Tips To Great Workouts

I’ve talked a few times about ‘daily workouts’, but it’s understandable that not everyone is on track with working out in a normal routine. For those readers who haven’t quite mastered getting to the gym regularly, or for those who have but aren’t sure if they are really making good use of the time there, this post is for you.

The average woman with a busy schedule doesn’t have the time or know how of a personal trainer, but this article on Really Useful Fitness Blog give some great times on making your workouts count. Here are a couple notable tips!

  1. Start out easy

Many looking to shape up jump into intense activity too quickly. Don’t get anxious, start out slow. Spending 20 minutes doing some low-intensity cardio (jogging, swimming) twice a week will make a great base for beginners, and will ease you into the lifestyle of weekly workouts.

  1. Don’t skip stretching!

Loosening up your muscles before a workout can be boring and take up time, but it’s an extremely important element to your physical activity. Stretching can prevent injuries, and helps with flexibility and blood flow, allowing you to get the most out of your workout.

  1. Set realistic goals

Consider writing down a series of short and long term goals. Keeping up with simple, attainable short term goals like making it to the gym three times next week and spending 5 more minutes on the treadmill than normally will improve your mentality towards workouts and make reaching your long term goals much easier.

  1. Exercise correctly

Nothing is worse than wasting workout time doing an exercise incorrectly, or using a machine that you won’t benefit from. Consider asking a staff member at your local gym to show you around and introduce you to the machines. Also, much can be accomplished without a personal trainer, but paying for a one time 15 minute session can teach you how to properly use each machine.

  1. Concentrate on larger muscle groups

Women in particular should focus on their legs and back. Don’t spend too much time obsessing with getting your shoulders to look perfect. By spending your time working on larger muscle groups, you’ll see better results in a wider area.

  1. Drink up

Keeping water on hand during workouts is a necessity. Even when you don’t feel thirsty, keep drinking! When the feeling of thirst comes on, your body is already dehydrated. Challenge yourself to bring a water bottle and drink the whole thing before leaving the gym.

What keeps you going at the gym, or what are some of your favorite workout tricks? What are your favorite machines?