Thursday, April 3, 2008

Reality TV- I can make you thin

While doing homework and thinking up new blog posts, I mindlessly had the tv on in the background. I couldn’t help but be interested in TLC’s new show- “I can make you thin”.

The premise is that if you tune in weekly and listen to a slim man with an English accent help talk your weight down. Paul McKenna promises his 4 rules will help you loose all the weight you want.

He says by eating when you’re hungry, eating what you want, eating consciously and knowing when you’re full, you can reach success.

McKenna has a point- eating has become something we unconsciously do, like breathing and blinking. Paying more attention to how you’re cooking, and how you’re eating can definitely yield results.

While I applaud him for an approach unlike restrictive diets that often fail, I see some major flaws in his system. For one, in his first show, he mentions nothing about exercise. Eating well is one thing, but even those with the best nutritional habits, are unhealthy without making fitness a habit.

As I mentioned here, lack of physical activity proves to be more life threatening than obesity.

The idea behind McKenna’s show is equally as disappointing. As proven in the title, the program continues to put the emphasis on size, and getting thin, than it does being healthy. With so many media outlets circulating around slender women, McKenna’s approach seems to start off on the wrong foot by promoting an unhealthy outlook from the beginning.

Weight loss methods that focus their results around size and focus ideals around the body shapes of others are poor methods to make changes upon. I think it’s great McKenna can engage viewers and get them excited about weight loss with his charismatic approach, however I’m not sold.

What do you think? If you’ve seen the show, comment and share your thoughts. It’ll be interesting to see what else he preaches in the weeks ahead.