Sunday, September 2, 2007

Controling Allergies

Allergy season is quickly approaching and for most, that means some sort of mild to severe sniffles and sneezes.

About 60 million people in the US alone are prone to suffering during allergy season. So what are your options for keeping sane when ragweed, pollen and other allergens attack?

Getting your allergies specifically checked out at a doctor is one option. Allergy tests can offer explanation to your itchy experiences. Often doctors can supply you with a great prescription that makes you feel allergy free. There are several other ways to help control your allergies as well.

Make your washing machine your best friend. Wash, re-wash, and wash again. Mold, dead skin cells, hair, pet odors, germs and anything else you or family/friends may bring in from the outdoors is crawling all over your sheets, towels and blankets. Continually washing these items can cut down your allergies dramatically.

It’s a good idea to keep a bottle of some sort of anti-bacterial or anti-allergy disinfectant spray around the house as well. If you’re unable to wash things regularly enough to keep your eyes from watering, spraying down surfaces when guests leaves can help tremendously.

Although I have heard mixed reviews on indoor fan usage, there are special allergenic fans with air filters that work wonders for those with seasonal allergies.

When are your allergies the worst? What are some of your best tips for fighting back?