Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Why Workout?

Why do you workout? What type of routine do you have? Is it set in stone and do you abide by it through the week? Do you have any room for change or alteration?

We all have our own reasons for working out. Between weight loss, toning, or just general health and wellness, women are flocking to gyms, handing their credit cards over for the newest home machines, and hiring the best looking male physical trainers the world has to offer.

With fall in swing, it becomes harder to find time to make use of your memberships and let’s face it, after a long day, do you really want to pull out the thigh-master from under the bed?

This fun article gives some great advice for home routines, and catering a program to work for you.

Working out regularly is vital to our health. It gives off great feel good endorphins afterwards too. Even if you are pressed for time, see if you can find 15/30 minutes to spare throughout your day on a stationary bike, lifting some light weights, or doing some relaxing stretches before bed.