Sleep deprivation is a common issue faced by millions of people around the globe. The fast pace culture we’ve grown accustom to allows little time for shuteye and demands stretching hours in the day to get everything in.
Research and doctors say adults should be getting 8-9 hours of sleep per night, but for many of us, this number is unattainable. In fact, most of us have trained our bodies to get by on smaller quantities of sleep.
The repercussions of skimping out on sleep can be extremely hazardous though. Between the health problems that can form (weakened immune system, increase in body fat), falling asleep on the road, lack of concentration and even hallucinating are all extremely dangerous problems that are often over looked.
Once you have an understanding of how much sleep you need to function in a healthy manner, you’re set. Make sure you are allowing yourself this time every night. By jeopardizing your rest at night, the following day and even days after can be negatively effected.
More so, I’ve heard reports that catching up on sleep is actually impossible, as you are not able to add it to the night prior.
Make sure to recognize and respond to some symptoms of sleep deprivation. If your eye constantly twitches, if you constantly are falling asleep immediately and the most reliable sign- heavy eyelids, odds are you are in need of catching up on Zzz-s.
How many hours per sleep do you normally get in relation to what doctors recommend? Do you function well on this? Do you feel the need to make up for lost hours during weekends?