Friday, September 7, 2007

Improving Your Self-Esteem

After about age 12, few are reminded regularly about their self esteem. Instilling positive self worth is a major part of adolescence, but often ignored as we get older and become too busy.

Because of this, a growing number of older women find themselves feeling lost and fall into a pattern of low self esteem. Between feelings of self consciousness and being bogged down by mundane routine, it’s not uncommon to feel depressed and more so, feel too busy to pick yourself back up.

However, harboring negative feelings about yourself can be detrimental to your daily relationships with others. Keeping up a positive attitude about yourself is just as important (if not more so) than maintaining a healthy physically.

Learning to value yourself and “roll with the punches” is a key start to maintaining a healthy self-worth. Those with low self esteem tend to rely on how they feel to determine what they think of themselves. Try to stay level headed no matter what negative or positive aspects come through your life.

A lack of self-esteem may come from feeling ignored or disrespected. When around others, make sure to communicate respectfully and efficiently. Speaking confidently will command the attention of those around you and will build self-esteem as you feel others around are listening and respecting you in return.

Sometimes family life can be stressful and create feelings of being under appreciated and ignored. Recognize where you stand in the family structure. If you are constantly in a negative position, re-create your roll. Discuss the situation with family members, and work to assist others with reinforcing language and actions of how you would like to be treated in daily life.

More so, practice the little aspects daily that we often teach children. Praise yourself for working hard even if your project was poorly received. Practice self constructive criticism by analyzing what aspects you are weak in, strong in, and recognize ways you can grow. Taking care of yourself can pay off in many ways. Don’t ignore feeling weak; learn to recognize that mental and emotional health is just as important as physical!