Saturday, September 15, 2007

Why Eat Breakfast?

It's been said many times over, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But why? What's the big deal? It's tough to fit preparing a meal in a busy morning when you're trying to book it out the door. But this article in one of my favorite blogs brings up the ever long issue.

When you do a little research, the subject of skipping breakfast sounds valuable. Skipping a meal in the morning forces your body to live off what you ate before you go to bed. For most of us, that can go on 12+ hours without food. You need to fuel your brain to walk, talk and think from the glucose breakfast brings.

Breakfast is also a great way to get in your nutrients for the day. Skippers may find it hard to make up for missing 1/3 of your major opportunities for vitamins and minerals.

And the age old myth about skipping breakfast helping lose weight? Wrong! Eating a well balanced breakfast actually helps keep your metabolism in check. Refusing to fuel your body after hours of sleep can actually lead to over-eating later on in the day.

So, even if it's just a bottle of juice, fruit and a granola bar, give yourself the chance to start each day on the right foot with breakfast!