I found this great article on what to look for when picking a fitness center.
The author makes a couple great points that are key. The truth is, belonging to a fitness center is easy. Going regularly is where most of us get in trouble. You can bet that your fitness center is making a fortune off those of us who pay for memberships but rarely use them.
However, this article is a great read for anyone considering purchasing a membership, as well as great for those who already belong. If you’re having a hard time motivating yourself to go, consider why your fitness center may not be working for you. For most of us, the reason can be simply solved by one of my favorite suggestions from the article- socializing.
You can bet others at your gym are there for the some of the same reasons as you. You already have a couple things in common with those friendly faces in the weight room, and the more you see these strangers, the more alike your routines may be. Strike up conversation and form friendships with your gym-mates. Despite how much you might want your workout time to be a solo experience, working along side someone has fabulous benefits.
Also look at what your center has to offer you. Spa treatments? Group classes? Do they offer low cost or free personal instructors? Also another great tip from the article- if you’re new to an area, try several fitness centers before you commit to one. They should allow you a week or two trial period.