Picture this- It’s January 2nd, you head to the gym for a typical workout, and it’s packed. Besides the New Years resolution crowd, you witness that just about everyone is going to town on every machine.
I’m no stranger to this either. When I slip on my workout routine, I’m more tempted to go in and go crazy, promising myself I’ll run many miles over my usual limit (which usually results in falling short, and exhausted).
We are all victim to working out too hard now and then. This article does a great job of setting some guidelines to keep in mind when pushing yourself during workouts.
A specific note from the article that I thought were great was the advice on weight lifting. I hope none of you ladies find that guy at the gym with the cutout shirt making horrendous moans while lifting one rep of twice his body weight. Working your muscles like the typical male gym rat is extremely dangerous.
The article points out in many occasions that even if you feel like you could do more, run to the point of no breath, do a few reps with a weight much too heavy, consider what you can do often- run at a slower pace longer, lift lighter weights for more reps and with correct technique.
Plus- check out my post on burst exercising. The value of working out in 15 minute increments proves to be valid!