Monday, June 30, 2008

Push up challenge

Don't let me fool you- you can't see my face but it's not making a smile!

Guilty. I suggested that my family join me in the
100 push up challenge that's been blogged about all over town. I know it's a good idea, but after the second set of five, I always cringe- why did I sign up for this again?

Lately, I've had to work extra extra early. Although I've taken some major anger management steps to not damage my cell phone alarm as it chimes at 5:45, it's still difficult for me to function as I planned for a full day.

When free time does come, I've had a much harder time to coax myself away from an afternoon nap and towards my gym shoes. The push up challenge keeps me doing SOMETHING, but I know 10 minutes of push ups every other day is not nearly enough.

This girl has got to step up her game!
How do you do when it come to getting workouts in? Are you a die hard who will never miss a day, or do you have a little more trouble getting moving?

P.S- don't forget to check my post from Friday to win a free trial at 24 Hour Fitness gyms.

Friday, June 27, 2008

90 day 24 Hour Fitness give away


Oh how it pays to read ASA, *wink*!

I was contacted last week by Stu, a representative from 24 Hour Fitness, who clued me in on their new 12 Million Lives campaign. The gym has created a site where stories and inspiration can be shared, reviewed and commented on.

"(The site was) launched to inspire people to look at the bigger picture and embark on a lifelong journey of physical and mental well-being. It's not just about the "before and after" photos – it's about the grandma who is now fit enough to get on the floor and play with her grandkids, it's about the woman who reached her lifelong goal of running a marathon, or the friend who gained his confidence back," Stu said.

The site is great! I think it shows the gym's dedication to overall wellbeing and demonstrates the value they place on members. I'm impressed in the way that they've used the site- as a tool to inspire others, and a celebration of success.

Furthermore, there's something to tug at everyone. I read a story this morning about a man who joined 24 Hour Fitness in his 60's when he was out of shape, and bending down to tie his shoes was a struggle. He found a sense of community in the gym.

Karli Bulnes' story on 12 Million Lives: the end of college, “a combination of slowing metabolism and poor cooking skills” had left her 25 pounds heavier. So she joined 24 Hour Fitness and got a nutritionist. She lost the weight, but along the way, she learned something - “...weight loss may have been the reason I joined the gym and started paying attention to eating right, now, I continue to do those things because they simply make me feel good.”

To promote the new site, 24 Hour Fitness is graciously giving away a free $99 gift certificate for 90 days of fitness at their facilities. Before entering, please check to see that there is a 24 Hour Fitness gym in your neighborhood.

To enter, comment on this entry and I'll randomly pick a winner in two weeks!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Sizable Apple News


There comes a time in every health bloggers life where change is necessary. I've had a blast blogging about fitness and nutrition but there's only so much to cover!

I'll continue to bring you the latest health and fitness news as I come across it, but I'll also be posting on woman's issues in the media.

Thanks to all my readers who have stuck with me since the this project was just a seed. I hope the changes will be a welcome addition to life at A Sizable Apple!

As always, email me with tips, questions, ideas, comments and concerns at

If you're new to A Sizable Apple and like what you see, add your email to the SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL Feedburner box on the right hand side of your screen.

Future changes to come may include give aways for readers who subscribe to ASA via email!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hot topics: medical wonder, modern feminist & celeb bodies

Wheeeew nelly! I found some hot topics for discussion today! With these links, there's a little something to get everyone's engines revved up. Let's give the comment section a good workout today, folks.

Medical wonder?
The British Daily Mail posted this little gem that I could not pass up sharing- I'm thrilled my baby survived abortion! Short but quiet interesting story. Your two cents?

Best Fem 2008? Blogger Jezebel recently picked her choice for best modern day feminist. I'll give you some clues; she's an activist, has been a staple on television for almost 20 years and rocks the short blond hair better than Ellen DeGeneres. Here's her choice. Not quite mine, but what do you think? Whose your pick?

Nit picking celeb bods?
This one's an oldie but a goodie. Tyra Banks may have put on a little weight since her supermodeling (ahem airbrushing) days. Last January, she used her television show to address some harsh words and an unflattering photo that popped up in tabloids. Are the bodies of celebrities our business? Check out my previous post on the subject & reader comments and for some more celebrity body shots, check here.

Who cleans?
The New York Times posted an interesting article in light of the legilization of gay marriage in California. Looking at the way homosexual couples vs. heterosexual couples split up tasks like chores around the home, the article brings forth some light to how we interact in relationships. What do you think?

Got a good ASA hot topic? Let me know in comments or by email-

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Intro to sport: spinning

If your temper can handle it, take a spinning class! The stationary biking class is regarded as one of the toughest workouts. I couldn't help share the word after I saw AOL Body's Indoor Cycling information.

Spinning is a great way for biker lovers to keep riding in the winter, or for newbies to enhance their workouts. Classes are typically inexpensive, and keep you on your toes with up beat music and continuous changes in tempo and intensity.
These workouts totally sculpt your legs and butt and can burn up to 325 calories (for a 150 pound woman). For more information on spinning, like equipment, expectations and spinning celebs, check out FitSugar's spinning section.

Check out classes at your local gym and try boosting your workout with an intense spinning class!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fitness with guests

Happy Monday, ASA readers!

I hope you all had a great healthy weekend. Mine was alright. I had a visitor in town, who was not nearly as excited about going to workout on his stay as I was.

However, we did make it to the mall and wine tasting, so I will chalk both those up to a healthy hour or so of walking and heart healthy sips of red wine.
The workout may have been sub par, but I'll call it my rest for the up coming week and hit the gym hard tomorrow, that's something to look forward to, isn't it?

How do you keep up while entertaining? Do you spoil your guests and indulge in trips to get ice cream and throw your workout by the wayside?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

You are beautiful

A photo on by Andrew Sears

In my ever going obsession with Leslie's writing at The Weighting Games, I further surfed to the You Are Beautiful sticker site.

This anonymous group has been producing these stickers which are mostly found in Europe, promoting the positive message of confidence and beauty.
The deal is, you send in a self addressed stamped envelope, and they'll send you free stickers.

You stick freely and if interested, send them photos of your best sticking and they'll post them online.

Upon receiving her free stickers, Leslie quickly went to work on placing them all over Chicago (specifically in a locker at her gym).
I'm definitely getting involved on this one.

If nothing else, one will for sure be posted promptly next to my bathroom mirror as a daily reminder to love myself beyond the skin that's staring back at me. I'll spread the love too and get creative with my sticking as well.

Are you up for it? Let me know if you're sending away for stickers. I'm considering getting another contest going for photo or story of best stick, are you in? Here's the address:

You Are Beautiful
PO Box # 220175
Chicago, IL 60622

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Make it even more nutritious

Ok, you cut back your red meat intake, you're pumping the fruits and vegetables like it's your day job, and at least trying to limit your carbs. Ready for the next level?

Women's Health Magazine posted a great article on
new tips to making your meals even more nutritious. Make your own fruit spreads for toast in the morning or to use as a fat substitute in baked goods.

There are also some great new ideas for snacks and spicing up the same-friggin-chicken dinner.

For more calorie saving ideas, check out
Hungry Girl's Top Ate of 6/4/08. Some of her best advice is to replace cooking with oil for non-calorie cooking spray, soymilk over cream and butternut squash over potatoes.

What are some of your favorite calorie saving tips? What's your food weakness and how do you try to get around it?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Gas saving, body scuplting

Ugh, working out.

Sometimes I’m totally on top of it- every day, an hour at the gym, and without it I feel miserable. Other times, I fall out of health orbit completely and miss day after day (after week? Yikes!)

Yes, it happens to all of us. Keeping going is tough, and finding that perfect motivation to get your butt in gear isn’t always simple.

My recent motivator- gas prices. I’m interning twice a week at a lovely location about 1/6 of a tank away round trip, and then ride my four wheels farther to my lovely summer job. You can bet that’s a non-paying internship (and last time I checked ASA wasn’t paying the gas bills!) What’s a broke college student to do?

Luckily, I’ve got a great trail system between my house and summer job. The more I see $40+ appear on the gas pumps, the more driven I am to ditch the four wheels for two and bike instead. The ride takes me about 30 more minutes than driving, and re-energizes me for the rest of my day.

I know not everyone is as lucky to have a riding connection, but think about the little ways you can cut back. Can you walk to the store to pick up a few mid-week essentials instead of drive? What about parking a few blocks away and riding or walking in from there?

Even the tiniest things will add up eventually. Comment with your best gas saving, fit inspiring ideas!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday links

It may be Friday the 13th, but there’s nothing bad luck about today’s links! Check out some great posts from my favorite bloggers and some other neat tid-bits to keep your mind of the weekend while you read ASA at work.

Got Curves?
Leslie’s post on Tyra’s curves raises some pretty bold red flags on magazine airbrushing.

Blog bashing
Another great one from Leslie- a look at a recent article posted by a British blogger who bashes Princess Beatrice’s full figured shape.

Summer workouts
The fabulous weather made me really excited about sharing this one. Women’s Health Magazine posted a great online article with tips on how to workout outside in the summer sun! Get tips to doing pilates in the pool, a total-body trail workout, strength training and beach yoga.

Guest questions at ELFF
Carmen’s brilliant readers sent her some great questions that she responded to on her ELFF blog. Take it from someone with incredible weight loss success, this girl knows her stuff! Check out the question and answers and heck, send her a few more questions of your own!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

No gym workout

All you need is 10 ft of space!
courtesy Women's Health Magazine

Oops, did you "accidentally" keep busy right up until the gym closed? Not so fast, Women's Health Magazine has your workout saved with six moves you can do at home.

No one needs this one more than me, lately! This article is full of great core strengthening moves that you can do between commercials of your favorite show or while dinner is cooking.

Where are you going to post this WH print out? On the back of your remote? Next to the cookie jar? Comment here with your best excuse to skip a workout. Anyone brave enough to form an excuse for skipping out on these no equipment moves?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bodies in politics

Have you seen Condoleezza Rice lately? Girl is tough, and I don't mean with international policies. Take a look at this NBC article keeping up with her workouts with a former Marine trainer. You anti-runners will be happy to know rock hard 'Leeza favors speed-walking on an incline over running.

"I'll work out with an elliptical and treadmill -- I have both at my home. I put in a little gym at my apartment," she said. "I'll go every morning for 40 to 45 minutes on that."

Rice prefers low-impact exercises.

"I'm ... a little bit over 50," Rice said with a smile. "I spent a lot of years as a figure skater, banging my legs and knees against the ice, and so I've decided that I'm going to speedwalk and walk hills instead of running."

Her trainer also favors walking over running."I believe that walking is a very important tool that is underutilized for people," Tomlo said. "I'm a big believer in walking -- for the heart and the way it shapes the body and the lack of impact."

Check out home girls arms!! PHOTO: Fitness Magazine

And next time you think you've found a reasonable excuse to miss your workout, check it with hers-

Rice gets up at 4:30 a.m. every day, and no matter where she is in the world, she gets in a workout. On this day, she just got home from a 15-hour flight from the Middle East the night before.

"When I'm on the road, I absolutely schedule time to get in my exercise first," she said.

Wanna be ripped like Ms. Rice? Check out Fitness Magazine's tips to Condoleezza's workout. How 'bout the other ladies in politics? Mrs. Clinton's bod? Talk amongst yourselves.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bike contest wrap up


Congratulations to Laura, a recent college grad from Minnesota, who won the free bike give away contest! She's graciously allowing me to share her story with you!

Laura played on her school's rugby team for the past four years, and relied on her school gym for off season workouts. Now a graduate, she's got to figure out new methods to working out.

Laura (#1) playing on her college rugby team.
"As I graduate, I know that I need to make some life decisions so that I stay healthy and I actually want to get in better shape. I am also used to working out in our campus gym which I am ineligible for now! It's scary to have to think about what I am going to do on my own."

- Laura's email entry

Although I felt all the applicants were deserving of the bike reward, Laura's situation stood out most. Her current need for something new complied with her prior biking experience made me certain this prize wouldn't go to waste.

"I love biking but I am using my step-mom's old bike and it is very uncomfortable and the gears get stuck. I would love to have the new Fuji bike from Lipton. The town I live in has some really great bike trails that I have never felt comfortable checking out."

Congratulations to Laura on her new bike! Thank you to all who applied for the contest! Please keep reading as more may pop up!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Forgive me, readers. I just got back in town to discover my city is powerless! I'll do my best to get an update up tomorrow, I have lots of goodies planned!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Lace up those shoes; get running again with pre-made training programs

Time to run, Doh!

Over the 11 months I've been blogging at ASA, I've been an advocate for anti-running workouts. Running isn't for everyone, but if you haven't embraced it as a portion of your workout yet, it's time to give it another shot.

This is all inspired by a pretty big section of that's dedicated to training programs for runners.
Here they provide a log to keep track of your running, and also some training programs for different distance races.

For those a little more brave, there's a full page dedicated to
marathon training as well. Don't let all that distance talk freak you out.

Dissecting training programs is a great way to get ideas about building your own workout routines.
What's your relationship with running? Love it, hate it? Why? Let me know in comments.

Congratulations to Laura H., winner of the free bike give away challenge! More info on Laura to come!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Guide to workout recovery

When you hit the gym hard, do you feel dog tired the day after? Events up to three hours after your workout can determine your recovery afterwards.

The New York Times posted a pretty cool feature on your post workout time-line. The feature scientifically plots out your fluid intake, protein and carbohydrate replenishment up to your next full meal.

The article was a little too scientific for my liking, but the details really show how the research stacks up. Take a look and let me know what you think. What is your typical recovery process like?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Grunting at the gym goes too far

If you’ve belonged and frequented a gym for any stretch of time, you’ve experienced the frustration of New York native, Christopher Carter.

You’re in the middle of your workout, and hear the grunts. Even jumping from machine to machine doesn’t do it; you can still hear proof of how difficult someone else is working. (Check #13 on my gym etiquette list.)

The New York Times reports Carter, a 45-year-old stockbroker, couldn’t deal with the grunts and shouts of fellow biker in his spin class, 49-year-old Stuart Sugarman. After asking the instructor to quiet Sugarman down with no success, the two men exchanged some harsh words before Carter took maters into his own hands.

PHOTO: Christopher Carter
courtesy of The New York Times

He reportedly walked over, tipped Sugarman’s stationary bike (while he was still on it) up and then released it. Carter was acquitted of assault charges, although Sugarman claimed he was hospitalized for two weeks because of resulting neck and back problems.

I don’t believe Carter is a criminal, more like a jerk. How long could you have possibly been in that class for where you were pushed over the edge to possibly injures someone? Yeah, there are some annoying people out there, but that’s why most of us have siblings or at least go through high school- to learn how to deal with other people’s antics that just seem to pick at every single strand of the hair on your arm.

I don’t think Sugarman walks out with the victim card either, I think he’s a jerk too. You’re a 49-year-old man in a public area, be respectful of others around you. Although Sugarman’s shouts were apparently of positive nature, in attempts to keep fellow bikers motivated, he’s not an instructor, personal trainer, or hired motivational speaker. Obviously not everyone in the room signed on for a class with an in house cheerleader; a little encouragement is great, but respect the fine line.

Where do you stand? Should there be a policy for gym shouters? When is enough, enough, or is it ever?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Celebrity weight loss programs

I came across a really interesting article on The Daily Mail, a popular British Newspaper.

The article surrounded the means of
British television personality Fern Britton's major weight loss.

The star had gone under the knife for gastric band surgery two years ago and since then had attributed her weight loss to "healthy eating and sheer hard work".
Britton came clean on the air about her surgery after her agent (who didn't know about her surgery) called her to notify her the press was about to run a story on her supposed surgery.

After publicly accepting rumors about the band surgery were true, Britton said she didn't lie, but "there are some things a girl likes to keep to herself".
While Britton was practicing that healthy eating and sheer hard work she also appeared in several advertisements for an English health food cracker. Is anyone reminded of the US equivalent to this story, with the across the pond version of Britton- Star Jones?

PHOTO left: Britton now
right: Britton in 2006

Ok, I get it, you don't want to come forward and face the assumptions that you're lazy or can't do it on your own so you secretly go under the knife. Hey, it is Britton's body anyway, and therefore shouldn't be anyone else's business, right?
Well I fully agree with that, but some of her moves just don't fly with me. She's a public figure, and looked up to by many in England. When you show up about 40 pounds thinner and make claims that you achieved this au natural, you're giving false hope to women struggling with weight issues.

We unfortunately have fallen into a horrible habit of comparing our own body to celebrities. Lies about unnatural methods of weight loss can be detrimental to millions who think so highly of these now slim stars.
It seems to me that Britton doesn't hold her status as a role model very seriously. Surgery is nothing to be ashamed of, but a personal choice. I understand she wanted to keep an aspect of her life out of the public eye, but why engage in those advertisements further pushing your new figure and 'natural weight loss' out into the mouths of the public?

As a 50 year old woman, I would hope she would have a higher sense of self confidence and if not come forward with her choice, at least keep her statements and advertising choices realistic.
What do you think? What are your feelings on stars getting surgery- should we have the right to know, or are their claims about eating well and working hard alright to spread across magazines and television?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Caring with food

In the process of trying new things, Mondays at A Sizable Apple will now be personal posts. I’ll share stories about my favorite activities and new recipes! Don’t forget to sign up for ASA’s free bike give away contest deadline June 5!

I’m a college student- ie: a random house guest to my family. During the school year, I stop by for random weekends, and during breaks (like now) I show up at the door again smiling here I am again!

Since leaving for school, I’ve come to recognize signs of how excited my family is to have me back. My dad’s home cooked meals- ok, I see you’re here, but that does not stop the rest of our schedules; a few new recipes from my mom to choose from- boy am I glad you’re here, no one else would eat this with me; many mass family emails weeks in advance checking menu ideas- you and you’re sister are coming in? It’s a celebration!

Apparently, my mom is very excited I’m home. She made probably the third special pasta dish this month.

Food is a great way to convey feelings. Cooking for someone is an endearing and thoughtful measure and also a great way to jump into eating healthy. I know my health fanatic mom isn’t going to share a double fried greasy meal with me. Eating with her makes me feel good, because I know she’s taking care of me with healthy meals- who can think of a better welcome home present than that?