Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Sizable Apple News


There comes a time in every health bloggers life where change is necessary. I've had a blast blogging about fitness and nutrition but there's only so much to cover!

I'll continue to bring you the latest health and fitness news as I come across it, but I'll also be posting on woman's issues in the media.

Thanks to all my readers who have stuck with me since the this project was just a seed. I hope the changes will be a welcome addition to life at A Sizable Apple!

As always, email me with tips, questions, ideas, comments and concerns at

If you're new to A Sizable Apple and like what you see, add your email to the SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL Feedburner box on the right hand side of your screen.

Future changes to come may include give aways for readers who subscribe to ASA via email!