Over the 11 months I've been blogging at ASA, I've been an advocate for anti-running workouts. Running isn't for everyone, but if you haven't embraced it as a portion of your workout yet, it's time to give it another shot.
This is all inspired by a pretty big section of Health.com that's dedicated to training programs for runners. Here they provide a log to keep track of your running, and also some training programs for different distance races.
For those a little more brave, there's a full page dedicated to marathon training as well. Don't let all that distance talk freak you out.
Dissecting training programs is a great way to get ideas about building your own workout routines. What's your relationship with running? Love it, hate it? Why? Let me know in comments.
Congratulations to Laura H., winner of the free bike give away challenge! More info on Laura to come!