Have you seen Condoleezza Rice lately? Girl is tough, and I don't mean with international policies. Take a look at this NBC article keeping up with her workouts with a former Marine trainer. You anti-runners will be happy to know rock hard 'Leeza favors speed-walking on an incline over running.
"I'll work out with an elliptical and treadmill -- I have both at my home. I put in a little gym at my apartment," she said. "I'll go every morning for 40 to 45 minutes on that."
Rice prefers low-impact exercises.
"I'm ... a little bit over 50," Rice said with a smile. "I spent a lot of years as a figure skater, banging my legs and knees against the ice, and so I've decided that I'm going to speedwalk and walk hills instead of running."
Her trainer also favors walking over running."I believe that walking is a very important tool that is underutilized for people," Tomlo said. "I'm a big believer in walking -- for the heart and the way it shapes the body and the lack of impact."
And next time you think you've found a reasonable excuse to miss your workout, check it with hers-
Rice gets up at 4:30 a.m. every day, and no matter where she is in the world, she gets in a workout. On this day, she just got home from a 15-hour flight from the Middle East the night before.
"When I'm on the road, I absolutely schedule time to get in my exercise first," she said.
Wanna be ripped like Ms. Rice? Check out Fitness Magazine's tips to Condoleezza's workout. How 'bout the other ladies in politics? Mrs. Clinton's bod? Talk amongst yourselves.