If you’ve belonged and frequented a gym for any stretch of time, you’ve experienced the frustration of New York native, Christopher Carter.
You’re in the middle of your workout, and hear the grunts. Even jumping from machine to machine doesn’t do it; you can still hear proof of how difficult someone else is working. (Check #13 on my gym etiquette list.)
The New York Times reports Carter, a 45-year-old stockbroker, couldn’t deal with the grunts and shouts of fellow biker in his spin class, 49-year-old Stuart Sugarman. After asking the instructor to quiet Sugarman down with no success, the two men exchanged some harsh words before Carter took maters into his own hands.
PHOTO: Christopher Carter
courtesy of The New York Times
He reportedly walked over, tipped Sugarman’s stationary bike (while he was still on it) up and then released it. Carter was acquitted of assault charges, although Sugarman claimed he was hospitalized for two weeks because of resulting neck and back problems.
I don’t believe Carter is a criminal, more like a jerk. How long could you have possibly been in that class for where you were pushed over the edge to possibly injures someone? Yeah, there are some annoying people out there, but that’s why most of us have siblings or at least go through high school- to learn how to deal with other people’s antics that just seem to pick at every single strand of the hair on your arm.
I don’t think Sugarman walks out with the victim card either, I think he’s a jerk too. You’re a 49-year-old man in a public area, be respectful of others around you. Although Sugarman’s shouts were apparently of positive nature, in attempts to keep fellow bikers motivated, he’s not an instructor, personal trainer, or hired motivational speaker. Obviously not everyone in the room signed on for a class with an in house cheerleader; a little encouragement is great, but respect the fine line.
Where do you stand? Should there be a policy for gym shouters? When is enough, enough, or is it ever?